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                OUR COMPANY

                Leader of Pressure Sensitive Paper Industry in China

                About Us

                ABOUT US

                Huizhou Ye Sheng Technology Co., Ltd.

                The company is located in Huizhou, the core city of Zhuhai Hong Kong Macao Dawan District, specializing in the production, development and sales of pressure-sensitive paper and other new electronic consumables. The company has continuously improved enterprise management, strengthened quality awareness, and strengthened cost control. It has a certain competitive strength in the competitive market, and has become a long-term supplier of famous enterprises such as Samsung, Wentai, Skyworth, Zhuoyi, Huayang Group, etc.

                READ MORE

                OUR PRODUCTS

                Professional and Rigorous Standards of Manufacturing, With Completely Independent Intellectual Property Rights

                CUSTOMER CASE

                All Round System Support Enables Worry Free of Whole Process of Using

                LATEST NEWS

                Let Chinese Science and Technology Change The World

                Yesheng high tech Zone Office open

                Yesheng high tech Zone Office open

                Yesheng high tech Zone Office open

                Yesheng technology test equipment put into use

                Yesheng technology test equipment

                Yesheng technology testing equipment strictly controls the quality through rigorous testing

                YS Pressure Sensitive Paper Accept Customized Service

                YS Pressure Sensitive Paper Accept

                YS pressure sensitive paper can be customized according to different test requirements

                OUR ADVANTAGE

                Environmental Friendly Products With Independent Patents, Comprehensive Technological Innovation, Strong Production Capacity

                Environmentally Friendly Products

                Environmentally Friendly Products

                The products have been tested and have certificates

                Proprietary Patent: Independent R&D

                Proprietary Patent: Independent R&D

                Fully independent research and development, master core technology and have all intellectual property patent certificate

                Technological Innovation: Physical Reaction

                Technological Innovation: Physical Reaction

                The results of physical reaction are more realistic and accurate

                Support Customization: the size can be customized according to the test requirements

                Support Customization: the size can be customized acco

                Products can be customized to save labor and reduce labor costs for enterprises

                FRIENDSHIP LINKS

                Walk With the Strong to Achieve Win-win Cooperation and Common Development

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